A Time of Communion
Sometimes leaders need to get together, not to deal with ministry issues, but simply to have a time of communion – to learn together, to pray together, to support each other. That is what the leaders of the church did at 6:00 P.M. on November 22, 2021.
We started with prayer. Then a time of casual talk. Then a time of reflection and prayer about conflicts.
We noted that we will have conflicts, but if we can prevent conflict, we should. And when we do have conflicts, we must act biblically.
1. We must respect people as image-bearers of God,
2. We must respect position.
3. We must respect decisions.
We learned 4 general principles:
1. Principle #1: Show grace as God showed us grace.
2. Principle #2: Use the process for resolving conflict approved by God.
3. Principle #3: Imitate Christ.
4. Principle #4: Put God at the CENTER of the situation.
We learned that we should move forward practicing the fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
We learned what should be done in conflict resolution.
1. Principle #1: Recognize our part in the conflict.
2. Principle #2: Respond to and deal with the conflict biblically and timely.
3. Principle #3: Take time to pray, to seek the direction of God in the conflict..
As a leader, I needed this time. We don’t do this often enough. I encourage all leaders within our Church to be part of these fellowship meetings. And I hope we have another before the year closes. Yes, December is always busy, and that is exactly why we need to get together as brothers in Christ.
The national Executive of Presbytery, joined in worship with Santa Trinidad Presbyterian Church in Patchakan, Corozal. The worship service was led by R.E Isaias Botes, Executive stated clerk, President, T.E. Alvaro Pott shared God's Word and also served the Lord's Supper. Vice President, T.E. Ernest Betson led God's people in prayer." Let us continue praying for the national Executive ministry within our national church. And pray for the ministry of Santa Trinidad Presbyterian Church!"

Oversight and shepherding of the national church is a role taken with great commitment by Presbytery Executive. Building unity and support in ministry is paramount for a healthy national Presbyterian Church in Belize. Our support to Bethany Presbyterian Church was through leading worship service by R.E. Isaias Botes; preaching of the Word by T.E. Ernest Betson; Lord's Supper by T.E. Alvaro Pott.
It was a joy to see a growing ministry"

August 2-3, 2022
Pastor Will Hesterberg from International Theological Education Ministries (ITEM) shared about the theme “Christ and the Cults”. He addressed questions like why study cults, what is the history of cults, and how does a Christian combat cults. But most of all he focused on Christ. As the people of God, we must “hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that they can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it” (Titus 1:9) We need to present the true Christ, the only way to salvation.
Pastor Alvaro informed the following: “In the first evening, we had 43 adults and 6 children. For the second evening, 39 adults and 5 children.”
Another elder in the church wrote this: “It is very encouraging to see the people of God enthused about learning and growing spiritually and biblically.”
To God be the glory!

Monday October 10, 2022 6:00PM
Virtual gathering of church leaders and other men- reflecting on our urgent need to be light and salt in our generation.

Presbytery ordinary meeting at "monte Sinai",Xaibe, led by teaching Elder Leogardo Catzim.

On June 24,2023, the Presbyterian Church in Belize celebrated it's 36th anniversary. Thus was celebrated under the theme "Retelling God's story through our ministries to revitalize our younger generations" With a national worship service at Santa Trinidad Presbyterian Church" in Patchakan. Santa Trinidad was the second church established in 1974.
Saturday August 5th ,about 32 men, women and other organization's reps gathered at the Presbyterian Schools conference room for about three hours to discuss the blessing short term mission teams can be to both sending and receiving church, or if not a blessing...hm? The discussion was led by MTW missionary, Garry Chambers based on the book he wrote "Make it or Break it". After the discussion,the local church is left to continue considering its role as a receiving church.